Extrude numbers

I am creating a simple rectangular box inside which are a set of numbers. These numbers and the box edge need to be extruded.

I create a sketch, and go to “add text”. I type 1023. I then extrude these numbers. That’s fine except it will not do this for the number 3. Screenshot with error message attached.

Why can’t I extrude “3”?

Zoom in real close to the sharp corner midsection of the 3. See if there is a loop there?

Not sure what I saw, but I assume you are considering that the 3 was not “closed”? I repeated the exercise and used a different font… no problems, the 3 behaves itself. So I’ve just used the other font.

If you have a loop like this in the lines creating the closed blue sketch you will get that error

After doing the “Add Text”, I did have to manipulate the size using the non-uniform scale option. Aside from that I hadn’t noticed I’d done anything to the outlines. I certainly didn’t see a loop as you have described.

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