Extrusion through cylinder failed because resulting body isn't valid

I made a patterned design that I want to make cutouts from on the cylinder base I have. I’ve already projected it onto the body of the cylinder so that it curves and scaled up my design, but now it won’t go through it to make a cutout. It would work when the design was smaller (see attached), but now that it’s scaled up, it doesn’t. I also wanted to repeat this scaled-up design throughout the body of the cylinder but I’m not sure how.

Have you tried doing the shapes one at a time? And how about extruding as new bodies and subtracting instead of extrude-cutting them?

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Pushing the shapes one at a time worked! Thanks! Do you know if there’s a way I can repeat the cutouts throughout the body?

Select the inner faces of the cut outs and use the move tool set to “copy” and rotate copies of the cutouts usually works. Again you might only select one or a couple cutouts.

Shapr can be finicky sometimes. It will do 2 or 4 but not 3. Sometimes the opposite is true. Or it will just work.