Getting a lot of strange artifacts

I have some artifacts that I can’t figure out a way to get rid of. I’ve tried extruding new bodies and unioning them with the bodies I have, but it doesn’t seem to help. I’m getting surfaces that are 0.01 or 0.02mm off and some weird angles between surfaces. Can anyone help with this?

Pro Scale Signal Button Pusher.shapr (4.4 MB)

Selecting and deleting these lines is a possible method.

Hi @TheBum , can you share the design with our support team?

Tried it. Some will delete but others will not. I attached the project to my original post. One other thing: projections onto a construction plane are not working. I was trying to see if I could just sort of start over with projected sketches, but when I select the body, select Project, select the plane, and try to select “Edges” for the projection type, the projection type selection goes back to “Sketches” and nothing is projected.

Thank you, we’re looking into this.

i was confused by seeing strange lines after merging some bodies because i kept the original ones and saw some of the original edges through the new face.

it’s just a stupid thing but it happened more than one time so i wanted to mention it here, maybe you have the same issue.

I discovered that edge projections work when projecting onto a face of an existing body. They just don’t work when attempting to project onto construction planes.

I’ve run into that too, so I know to look out for it.

Same here. In the attached screenshot, notice how there are no visible objects on the sidebar, yet this hollow body (which is similar to an intermediate state of the actual model) is still visible. It’s not selectable, and it persists after closing and re-opening the project and the app.

This project was imported from the previous version, but I’ve created 3 new bodies with parametric tools. Let me know where I can share the project, the forum says I’m too new to upload. Thanks, really loving the new version!