Getting error when trying to apply a chamfer to an edge for a snap fit case lid

I’m creating a simple model for a 3d printed snap fit case that has a triangular prism shape on the case body and a corresponding triangular prism cut out on the lid portion. When I try to apply a chamfer to the bottom part of the prism to allow the lid to “snap” to the case without breaking the edge, I get an error stating “Configuration of edges at vertex too complicated.”

The geometry doesn’t seem all that complex, but I’m guessing that it’s the points on both sides of the edge geometry that is causing it issues. Is there another way to do this?

Here is a screenshot of the error.


Yeah, the problem is around the intersection point or the four edges. Let me share the two possible solutions with you below:

  • One is to select all neighboring edges and fillet them once
  • Another could be to split the body with the faces perpendicular to the long horizontal edge, fillet the edge and merge them together with the Union tool.

Could any of these work for you?