I am working with lots of round bodies, cylinders, discs etc-- and I am having great difficulty trying to align them to other bodies or even the XY axes etc. The construction axis I added to the center of each cylinder seems to be useless for this. Does anyone know of a video tutorial that shows the correct way to go about aligning bodies to round bodies?
Use the translate tool, the sanppings dots jumps to the center, if you move them to the arc. Also to easy align to the construction axis …if the bodys not paralell the face to face with the align tool
Don’t forget the measurement tool will give the distance between centres of curves and circles, including solids.
You can also now move objects by typing measurement fractions.
So if you want to move a sphere by a 1/3 of it’s diameter simply type the Diameter / 3 (example 20/3) in the move widget.
At first was the align tool. The second was the translate tool.
thank you both for the suggestions, I’ll give them a try
Never knew you could pull out a alignment ARROWS!
You and me both!
I have been going by the UI demos within Shapr and those little videos never show how to drag out arrows.
Also if you can drag out arrows in Align Tool you basically turned it into a Translate tool.
See from 4,50…the attached vid.
Ya thats why I mention because I was looking at that long video and the built in UI Help videos don’t have pullouts. For me would have been real helpful if they showcased that, wouldn’t even needed to use translate tool.
I only use the alignment tool to align planes, edges, corners. For the edited alignment I always use the “translate tool” and if possible I edit a circle, so I always see the “snap”!
I’ve had zero luck with using “Translate”, it never seems to do what I need it to do unfortunately.
So these are just general alignment ideas, if you can screencapture what the object looks like. Maybe we can find some solutions, maybe not if it has too much rounded surfaces.
Try this again. For some reason I all of a sudden cannot successfully download a video.