Hide Grid/Axes?

I have some interest in some of my designs so I’ll be needing to do some fairly involved secondary documentation with them. ie: a manual, BoM, etc.

For the manual screenshots of the parts will be vital and is the quickest way with the most visual information, also super easy with the iPad. I can add text, arrows, and other info to in a graphics program.

Is there a way to turn off the grid and axes lines to just have a blank background NOT in visualization mode?

Tried searching, only thing I can find is for in program screenshot, but having to do multiple clicks and toggle it off every time will eat up a ton of time. As will having to “photoshop” the grid/axes out on every pic. This is already gonna take a lot of time, adding a ton more is not what I’m looking to do, so if anyone has an answer or a creative solution please let me know.

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Export then image and then use the options on the side of the screen to remove the grid and have a transparent background.

If you’re using Windows, you’re shit out of luck as it’s a missing feature.

To add. Taking a screenshot on iPad used to bring you to this screen. I don’t know why they got rid of that as I thought it was great and saved several clicks.

Yea that’s what I read before and was trying to avoid doing. Having to do that for 40+ screenshots is gonna be a huge time suck hahaha. Why there’s not a simple toggle on/off is beyond me.

I have to leave my model, go into my iPad, do the screenshots and then email them back to myself so that I can use them on my laptop. Does my head.

Yea, I wish there was more simplified visualization options. This is the type of image I need to get for the manual, so model edges are important which means visualization mode is out. If I could have a solid background and just change the parts to the same color it would get me close. But having the grid and axes is the killer.

Even in the export, image, and turning it off i’ll still have to switch back and forth too many times since i’ll need to do “exploded” views and you can only toggle part views on and off not move them.

Only other way i can think of doing it is load it into a new project and move it sooooo far away from the origin to make the mesh indistinguishable, but then it’s this weird grayish color, not white.

I’m not sure if this gets you closer to what you want (I’m on a Windows machine), but what I’ve done is zoom way out so the grid size is something like 100,000mm, lock the grid, and then zoom back in my drawing. Technically the grid and axis are there, but they very rarely show up. Now, I can use any snipping tool to make uncluttered images of all the components just by moving around my drawing, and all the details of the drawings are there. Does this make sense or were you looking for something else?

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I understand the thought process, it’s similar to

I’ll give it a go locking the grid after work. I do need the 3d model image, the definition of the individual parts is easier to interpret for an end user vs say a 2d diagram.

Also the image above is a snippet from a manual for the target audience that they’ve likely already followed. So maintaining the similar look and layout will be important to bringing people on board. I could put out a video or do something completely new… but we all know how much people love change hahaha

Fwiw, I use MWSnap, and set the fixed rectangle to 800x800. Then I rotate my drawing any way I want and it clips a screenshot. The advantage of changing the grid size instead of moving the objects is that everything stays right where it is and I can just change the grid size later if I want to.

Appreciate it, I forgot all about grid size to be honest. I usually just have it set to 1mm and lock it in place for most of what I do and forget it.

Is that what you want your files to look like? One is in png, and the other is jpg.Unfortunately this isn’t a great example to show all of the lines, but you can see the lines that make up a couple of fillets.

These were made without any of the shapr export options.

Yep that’ll do!

Plus in the “appearance” toogle the hidden lines, may be better result for you,

Similar result in the “ drawings”.