Hiding Dimensions

I’m new to this app and love using it on an iPad Pro. there any way to hide dimensions, or auto hide them until clicked on them lines or intersecting lines. I end up catching myself deleting the locked dimensions at times cause I’m overwhelmed with all the little dimension bubbles. Then I end up changing one thing and the drawing goes crazy cause I had removed my dimension.
Thank you DW

Hi @WatersCreations , currently there is no way to hide all dimensions. However you can move the dimensions and organize them to make them more readable.

Thank you sir, sorry for the late response

Please work on this. In some sketches, the clutter of dimensions obscures the drawing. It should be simple to program a toggle ON/OFF for hiding old dimensions – one of many dearly needed improvements that combine to waste a couple hours each day.



Which version of the app do you use currently? In our latest version you can find a new kind of Constraint Settings panel above the constraints buttons while Sketching, where you can toggle whether or not constraints or dimensions are always shown. If you turn the toggle for dimensions off, they’d appear only when you hover on relating lines.

Does it solve your problem, or you’re looking for something else?


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