How can I create the exact same angle for


Hi everyone, I Try to create a nés generation of phone ^^ but I cannot mate the simplest aspect of the product… the base body :joy:
Just cause I don’t understand how create to corner with the exact same size, tilt and corner ^^
Don’t talk me about the mirror mode cause Ialready try and it’s doesn’t work :confused: and I hope there is more simple way to do this ?

Thank you so much :blush:

is this what you are trying to achieve? I’d use Fillet with the Pencil. Just select the edges and drag them.

Thank you soo much Daniel !!

And could you tell me how erase thats fucking blue line :joy::joy: I hate it !!I just draw the display of my smartphone and when I draw it, it always rest this kind of blue line :face_with_monocle:

Thank you again ! :pray:



You can remove lines in the smart screenshot option. Search in Help…




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