How can I draw an indicator dial on a cylinder?

Hello everyone,

I’m a complete novice in the world of 3D. I am making a user manual for the products I sell, so I am drawing 3D visuals of my products, I need your help. As in the pictures below, there is an indicator dial on my product, how can I write this dial on my product the easiest way?

Unfortunately, Shapr3D does not have a “wrapping” function.
Many users are waiting for this.
Until then you have to draw the numbers in front of the cylinder and then project them onto the cylinder.
See how it works here:

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In addition to @Tech suggestion, here’s a link to wrapping text around a cylinder. Within the thread is a link to wrapping text around a cone. I know that you’d like to wrap text in a circular fashion on the flat of a cylinder, but this may help should the need arise.

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Thank you very much for your answers :pray:

thanks to your answers, I finally managed to do it :muscle: Thank you so much.


You did a great job :+1:

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