I’ve punched a hole through a solid, and since learned in the real physical world this will be too close to the edge.
Normally if I need to modify a hole, I click the inside surface of the hole, delete that inside surface and my hole goes away, then make a new corrected hole. If there’s fillets/chamfers involves, then it’s a bit more hairy, but normally eventually get it.
THiS hole however, possibly because it’s fillets have become combined with the fillets on the solids edge, can’t be deleted. Also fillets can’t be deleted or set back to zero - at least as far as I can tell - does that sound right?
Most ‘delete’ attempts either have 0 effect, or raise a “can’t delete face, can’t heal wound”.
Good to know it holes are movable,thanks Dan. For the exercise I made some other shapes and played with moving holes round and tried to replicate the behaviour.
That said, I couldn’t transfer the lessons learned to the problem hole. I’ll take you up on that and send to support