How to export ti *.igs instead of *.IGES

Hello All,
I need to export a 3D model from Shapr3D to another software which accepts *.igs files.
Shapr3D exports only *.iges files. How can I export *.igs files

Hi @borbath,

It’s the same, it’s just the extension that is different. If the other software doesn’t accept the file, just change the extension to .igs.

Thank You,
tried to change the extension to *.igs. TubesT - Lite does not import it

hi @borbath, can you please send me the .shapr workspace and the exported iges file to I would be happy to take a look at it

Hello! The same problem, can’t import Sharp 3D .iges to CypTube (software for laser tube cutting), have tried to change extension to .igs, does no effect.
Please help.

Has there been any resolution to getting .iges or .igs files to work in Tubes T FScut software for laser tube cutting machines? If so how can this be done?

Our workflow is the following:

Export the file to cut from Shapr3D in .stp format. Open the .stp in Solidworks. Save as from Solidworks as .igs
This .igs obtained from Solidworks can be openet in TubesT.
We also would be happy to skip the Solidworks steps.
Enjoy. :slight_smile:

Not yet sadly.