How to sketch a bayonet lock

Hey there!

I want to create a bayonet lock as part of a filament box. My try shown in the image is garbage… The box itself will be printed as shown. The upper piece of the lock is part of the lid, which will be printed upside down (from this perspective).

I’m stuck on how to construct this locking mechanism. If someone can help me, I would be very grateful. :pray:t2:

You could use a living or compliant latch mechanism. Have a look at this. Hint: you can incorporate the white pieces into the receiver for no extra parts. Further it is very easily printable without needing supports.

A must watch :point_down:

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Ooh… I know this video, unfortunately I forgot it.
Yeah, that is a great resource. I will watch it again. :+1:t2:

Mike’s method is elegant and easy.