Improve icons for construction planes and axes types

I would guess this is already on the better UI/UX enhancement roadmap…

The problem that this feature will solve:
Better visual indication of geometry types for proper and quicker selection.

  • Have unique icons for each type of Construction Plane and also Construction Axis. These icons should appear in the Add… menu and also in the adaptive user interface context actions menu.
  • In the Add menu, expand the size of the pop-up bubble to include all the text of the choice. Do not truncate with an ellipsis…
  • Also in Add menu, reduce the vertical white space between selections, and tighten the bubble size.

Brief description of the outcomes that you expect from this feature:
Easier pick of the geometry type with more detailed icon and full text descriptions.

What can’t you achieve without this feature?
Not a show stopper. Sometimes a slow down when picking the correct type.

Thank you, we are working on this. We’ll update the icons soon.

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Thanks, Istvan! You are doing a fantastic job with the improvements to Shapr3D! This is a program that I enjoy using!

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Thank you @Bob3DPO , really great to hear that!

The new icons look great! And the text is no longer truncated. Thanks for all your improvements!