Improvements to parametric modeling

Here is a list of the improvements that we prioritized for the next release based on your feedback:

  1. Collapse the design history: get rid of the dependencies with a single click. We’ll add a hotkey for this feature too, so it will be even easier to collapse the history. This feature will provide an option to delete all the sketches automatically when you collapse the history.
  2. Move/Rotate improvements: it will work very similarly to how it used to work. Some of the changes we made in the pivot point behavior were indeed unnecessary, and did not lead to workflow improvements.
  3. Copy: it will work like it used to work, including the grouping of the copied objects.
  4. Projection improvements: you’ll be able to project sketches without linking them to the original geometry. This means that projecting a geometry to a sketch that’s before the geometry in the history will also work. So basically this will work quite similarly to how it used to work.
  5. Circle center point snapping on holes will be reintroduced.
  6. We’ll look into the Isolate related performance issues, if anyone has a design that could be shared with us, where this issue is reproducible, that would be great.
  7. Red text in the items menu will be gone.
  8. The delete button sometimes doesn’t show up when it should, it will be fixed.
  9. We’ll look into how the change fillet operation works, we may or may not change it, this is still tbd.

This list, at least for me, contemplates all my concerns with the new update. Very good Istvan!


Update tutorials if you haven’t already.

I appreciate your unending weekend of dealing with our issues, even though at times contentious and frustrating haha. I was ready to give up on Shapr all together a few days ago, especially when we started voicing our concerns and many of them were being outright dismissed or told, essentially, adapt or leave. I’m glad they’re being taken more seriously now.

As this seems to be the main issue that so many of us are coalescing around (difficult getting so much consensus nowadays) I appreciate that it is number one. Just a few questions on this though.

  1. How quickly will this be introduced? I ask because i’ve pretty much put most projects on hold until I can further evaluate and “re-educate” myself on this new update or at least go back to the old way of direct modeling.

I’m coming around to some of the features of the update for future projects but current ones, mixing old models pre-update with zero dependencies with the new system is really what’s been what’s been the largest disruption to workflow for existing users, I believe this has a lot to do with the frustrations of many of us.

  1. Will this feature get rid of ALL dependencies and delete ALL sketches? Or can only specific sketches/dependencies be deleted?

  2. If older users wan’t to continue in the old way of direct modeling will we have to repeatedly collapse history every time we want to delete the sketches? Or is this going to be a one time selectable option for the entire model? ie. a disable type of feature

I have noticed this terribly on large assemblies where pre-update it was faster to Isolate due to, I’m assuming, graphics memory usage. iPad OS. Now it’s unbearably slow, to the point I move objects a few hundred mm to get them into open space, Isolate Off, to alter and modify them easier, and only use Isolate for exporting. Now with sketches/dependencies, so much stuff everywhere floating in the ether.

I can send the file but it would be way too large for email or even your website submit system on a ticket even .zip. This file has also proven to me about the performance issues overall dismissed in other threads, ie. 5min load time, large pauses in selecting, moving, modifying, etc. All of which worked fine pre-update and the reason I spent a large sum on a brand new iPad to get the upgraded RAM. Was told “this is untrue” many times over, hopefully it’s being taken more seriously now.

Please advise how to contact for getting you a file on these performance related issues.

Few weeks

Removing the sketches will be optional


Please upload it to a google drive folder or similar and share the link.

Can do, but don’t want to just have my work on an open link to everyone who can click on it. Edit: I’ve linked it below. Please message me with an email address so I can add it to the access list.


We’ve found an issue that might cause performance issues for some users. Based on our current understanding it should impact only a couple hundred users, but if you are working with larger assemblies (5k+ parts), this might help a bit if you are experiencing slowdowns.

In some cases, Shapr3D automatically generates a hidden folder in the Items menu, called BACKUP__AUTOGENERATED. This increases the number of parts in your workspace, so if you work with 5k parts, you might end up with an additional 5-10k hidden parts, which can affect performance in certain cases (not necessarily though).

Here is what you can do until we release a fix:

  1. Check if you can see a folder called BACKUP__AUTOGENERATED in the items menu.

  2. If you can see it, click on it.

  3. Open the History panel.

  4. Make sure that the “relevant” filter is on in the history panel. You should see a single “Import xx” step.

  5. Right click/long tap on the Import step.

  6. Click delete.

  7. You can also delete the empty BACKUP__AUTOGENERATED folder.

It’s quite unlikely that you are impacted by this issue, but if you are, and you are using an older device, this might affect performance. Probably @APDesignMachine 's workspace was also impacted by this issue, which caused the performance degradation.


That’s one of the behaviors that we’re going to fix.

The recent history update has significantly disrupted my workflow. Previously, I could seamlessly make copies by leaving the copy feature on, allowing for swift movement. Now, each copy requires four additional steps, slowing down the process. It would greatly improve efficiency if there was an option to toggle the history feature on and off.

Hi Michael,

It looks like the team are going to be fixing this in an upcoming patch as several of us have reported it.

In the meantime, the workaround I’m using is to use my thumb to quickly click on scale and then back on Move. Or I just press M if I’m on the computer.


Hi Istvan
Well since the other day, I have done a lot more playing as I really would like to make use OR more use of the parametric modelling, as I said before I can see benefits but still have some points I just do not understand and I cannot find clear precise explanation in any of the tutorials and I have watched lots of them some, numerous times.
Before I get into some of the history menu functions can I ask these points.
Is there any quick way once a body has been developed by sketches say a loft, can a copy be made and then for the first creation be easily separated from the sketch. Put this body to one side, then slightly modify one of the sketches slightly, re loft new body, then the two bodies or more can be overlaid to see the variations easily? This also leads to the option of keeping those sketches ‘live’ until the user decides to hide them.
I have a work around to copy all the sketches and then make the new body but it is tedious, and at the same time making everything lines up as I am often build shapes to make more complex shapes or parts.
Please could we have some simple tutorials on how this all works, some is very obvious while other parts I have no idea.
There is a select button, when that is selected up comes filter by isolated items and related to selection. These are greyed out for me how do these link in or when could they be used to be useful?
I sort of understand the insert break point, suppress, no idea on expand, understand rename and delete. But I am still not fully understanding break point, suppress or expand, could some more information on these be shown or told so I can take advantage of these. Also sometimes doing these either seem to hide or delete items or bodies, which gets confusing.
Lastly when the yellow warning triangles appear I really do not know what to do with these, it simple terms is it best just to delete them? Sometimes I try FIX on these but then do not understand messages etc.
On say a loft I choose it, then it drops down things like profiles, which I sort of understand along with guides, but then there are things like periodic loft, start / end continuity, start / end magnitude.
There are similar with revoltions etc. but I will close this off for now.
I really want to get to grips with these functions and carry on developing my Shapr skills because I still LOVE drawing on my iPad, the reason I started with Shapr because the iPad makes it so easy. I am further down the road than a few days ago with the parametric modelling but hope with a few more pointers as asked above I will get even better.

“Copy with history” is coming soon (this will duplicate the history of the body)

Suppress: it will turn off that history step, like a “temporary delete operation”.
Break point: it will stop the evaluation at that point, you can “go back in time” to a certain point.
Expand: it just opens the step, showing all the parameters (does the same as the arrow button). Every operation has now many new options that you can use to fine tune your design.
Screenshot 2024-05-02 at 13.28.06

That means that you broke your history, by “going back in time” removing something there. Eg. you delete a face that was later used by an operation. You can easily fix these errors by clicking on “Fix”.

coming soon :eyes:


Thank you for your reply, it sort of helps and is understood but not fully, but that is probably me not getting exactly what you mean, I will need to play more.
I tried to make a video and upload it here but that just turned into a total mess, one day I may get to be clever🙄
So I have hopefully now added some screen shots that may help explain the issue I an other are having when trying to go back to a plane and amend the sketch on that plane. The only way I can see doing that on the iPad is to adjust the screen into the 3d perspective and then pick a line and then that brings in the original plane that can be then drawn on. I just find this a little off putting and it almost makes have the ADD PLANE, as almost useless operation now. I used to use planes a lot and the projection of them a lot but this seems to have changed quite a lot.

Sorry I don’t understand it. :frowning: Can you record a video?

Btw we have 4 new amazing tutorial series: Shapr3D Basics, Sketching Fundamentals, Prepare for Manufacturing Basics, Introduction to Conceptual Design. All of them are showing how you can take advantage of the hybrid direct-parametric modeling experience.

I have a video, tried to upload it here but it just ended up a mess. Sorry but if you can tell me how to do it I shall try again a little later. Sorry computer technology is not my strong point🙄

Hi Ali, the upload here and to the main site can be a bit bothersome if the video is longer than 20-30s and you don’t know how to edit it to make the file size smaller like me :wave:

Easiest way is to upload to a google drive or similar and provide the link (make sure accessibility is public, or provide @Istvan access)

Not sure if these videos are going to work, added to this they are certainly not the best videos, but I hope they may illustrate the planes and sketches issues that I think / believe are not really correct or consistent.
Showing that when you change planes you have to click onto the old sketch to add to it, or in the last video if you DO NOT draw on an alternative plane it attaches and you can extrude half a circle, but if you draw on the other plane then it does not divide the circle.

To me this is inconsistent but if this is the way it has to work then I will just have to get used to it and work around it all.

Another concern I have going forward, when I really do start creating a fully developed model kit this could easily comprise of 50-100 parts to be printed. Each part will be made up of multiple stenches, extrudes, revolves etc. When this then gets logged into history the history column could get very long and certainly out of control to try and find and remember what chamfer or whatever will belong to what part.
I know and realise that a loft for instance can be renamed but it is not inconceivable that one part could have a huge amount of individual stages just to create that one part. We have the folders on the other side where we can group bodies etc, WOULD having files on the history side work? I only as because if so then it would sort of help but then you would have to have the folders on either side of the design space to have the same name. It could get really tricky and time consuming but in the long rune it would be quicker and easier to find the history relation to part that you would like to adjust.
I am just looking to see other users ideas and thoughts and the thoughts and explanation from Shapr3d.

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