Improvements to parametric modeling

5.620 is out with many improvements and bug fixes. This release addresses virtually every single workflow and performance problem that have been reported to our team in the last 2 weeks.

The increased load times can be addressed by merging your history steps. So far the increased load times that we have seen were due to very long (500+ or 1000+ long) parametric history steps that didn’t take advantage of the parametric history.

Large assembly related performance issues have been fixed too.

The Mac, iPad and Microsoft App Stores take some time to refresh in certain regions, so if the update is not available yet for you, you might need to wait a couple of hours.

Here is a list of functional improvements that made it to 5.620:

  • New: Now you can merge history steps with just a single click to remove dependencies between bodies and sketches.

  • Improved: The Project tool now has a new option to project sketches without retaining a connection to their origin, allowing you to make further edits on projected sketches.

  • Improved: The Project tool can now project items into an existing sketch.

  • Improved: The copy badge now has the option to create multiple copies.

  • Improved: The gizmo center of the Move/Rotate tool now adjusts more effortlessly during consecutive transformations.

  • Improved: Sketches snapped to a face center point now create a connection, allowing you to keep your sketches snapped when modifying earlier History steps.

  • Improved: Circle center points now snap to holes, giving you more precision in your workflow.

  • Improved: The Items Manager no longer displays red text notifications for invalid bodies.