Improvements to parametric modeling

Can you elaborate pleae?

I am noticing that adjusting multiple faces at once no longer works in the predictable fashion that it used to. I am having to adjust faces one at a time to achieve desired results. Is this something that could be restored to the way it used to work before the last major update.

I am seeing major degradation in performance. How can I share my file with you? My much smaller files work fine. But, my larger file is only 105.1 MB.

The lag time in drawing a simple four sided sketch within the 105.1 MB file is amazing. The first line draws up to speed. The next three are so slow that I wait a second or two for the line to start showing, Then, I have to hold the tip of the pencil in the place I want the second point for a second or two in order for Shapr3D to catch up.

I bought an iPad Pro M4 with 8 GB RAM.thinking my M1 was the problem. There was minor improvement but not enough to keep the new hardware. I spoke with Apple and it was suggested I buy one with 16 GB. I saw absolutely no performance improvement.

I then went to the local Apple store and spoke with one of the technical support people, not a sales person. I was looking at upgrading further to the Mac mini M2 Pro. We looked at the performance of the iPad Pro M4 compared to the performance of that Mac mini. The iPad Pro M4 is only 10% slower, not enough difference to justify the hardware switch. Furthermore, it checks well against some of the other Pro chip machines.

This performance review suggests that Shapr3D is the problem. The iPad Pro M4 has the specs. In fact, the M1 seems to have enough power. The performance of my M1 dropped suddenly after the parametric release.

If the performance degradation is not resolved soon, I need to move my files to another platform. This situation has put a squeeze on a time line at the wrong time. This is not a happy thought.

Please get Shapr3D back up to speed.

It’s scary how many people are upgrading hardware to help with Shapr when they’ve already announced that they’re working on performance issues.

I’d recommend that everyone just waits for the updates to happen before burning a hole in your wallet.

EDIT: is said people upgraded based on the performance problems denial at the beginning, then I really feel for you.


Hardware upgrades are thoughtful attempts at finding a solution, while giving the software the benefit of the doubt. Said program has proven reliable. Searching for a solution takes time and effort.

Serious degradation issues arise. The drawing is growing and apparently causing lags in response. Upgrade comes and further degradation.

Post to Shapr community what is happening. No response from software manufacturer leads one to find out if the problem is an isolated drawing size and software capabilities are exceeding hardware.

Maybe the size of the drawing and the software capabilities are exceeding the machine capacity? Software often exceeds hardware. This problem seems to require new hardware. Apple iPad Pro M4 may fix it.

New hardware iPad Pro M4 with 8 GB RAM failed. Advised by hardware manufacturer said iPad Pro M4 with 16 GB RAM will fix it. No change in performance.

Further evaluation made at Apple store speaking with salespeople warranted consideration for hardware with more cores GPU. Review of performance benchmarks with technician from geek desk show that the iPad Pro is capable.

Software flaws probably the cause after thoroughly ruling out hardware issues. One can now say it is not a hardware issue. The same issues would likely show up on M2 Pro and M3 Pro chips.

See if Shapr has made any announcements about upgrades. If so, share findings and the hard reality that a software failure requires hard decisions. Yes, indeed they have made an announcement. Request a fix. Hope for the best from the best. And like many others, hope it happens ASAP. Drawing a simple dour sided sketch is a tedious, slow process.

This is how honest, thorough diagnostics get to the real issue. More importantly, it is how a solution arises.

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Can appreciate the willingness to give the benefit of the doubt. Although after the denials and quite frankly gaslighting of being told it’s not happening and now more and more issues popping up within the same vain, some of that goodwill is burned and definitive answers are required.

We can’t revert, so it’s just up in the wind waiting. Updates were supposed to be within 2 weeks. It’s been 3 since they announced, supposedly next week. Luckily I’m between projects but have to fire back up Monday. If performance is severely degraded still, I suspect more incoming posts and patience wearing thin.

There’s no doubt there’s people having no problems with either the functions or performance of the update. But even those users (not you bud, you’re always cordial and helpful, just in general) chiming in to diminish sincere concerns with the program is just as off putting.

Edit: Just wanna also say, I’ve spent months designing, re-designing and prototyping and testing just the toolhead of my printer. I’ve had interest in it, but I haven’t released it because I don’t want end users to have any issues with it. Maybe it’s the tism, maybe it’s the perfectionist ocd in me, but still, I’m one dude and I’m taking that care with my product.


Agreed Shaun, it’s sad if people upgraded based on performance denials. Although seeing as performance drastically changed immediately after the update and release of Parametric should have lead most to assume it’s a software issue not hardware.

If I had the extra cheddar though I’d use it as an excuse to upgrade hardware though :rofl:

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Just want to say that I love how you posted this :slight_smile:

I appreciate your input.

I am at one of those critical points where what I have worked on for over a year is getting implemented. The rubber is about to meet the road. The performance degradation is a serious problem.

I have been impressed with Shapr3D. But, I need it to work and if it doesn’t I need something that will work. This is not the scenario I suspected or expected.

I have worked with computers since 1983. I did system design and programming. Along the way, I went to veterinary school and went into practice. During veterinary school I completed a fellowship in a research laboratory. Early in practice I designed and programmed some software. Eventually, I did some graphic design and photography work using Adobe products on Apple hardware.

I was stumped by what is happening with my Shapr3D drawing. I did not get the results I expected or hoped would come from changing hardware. I needed more answers, but I was still chasing the hardware.

Talking with the technician at the Apple store made it clear. He showed me performance benchmarks and explained his reasoning. He suggested right away that more hardware power would not solve it. They could have sold me a Mac mini with the M2 Pro chip. But, he didn’t try. He discouraged it. I understand his reasoning.

When I got home I started down the path that he and I discussed. I was glad to find out the performance degradation problem was getting some necessary attention from Shapr3D. So, I shared what I had learned.

As you say, a solution is needed. We get that and away we go. My guess is that too many functions are opening when sketching and consuming the CPU and/or RAM. A lot is happening behind the scenes now when a sketch is made. I find it interesting that sketches were throw away and now they are everything. Delete one and you delete a body. Yet they are not linked in any noticeable way by any kind of recognizable key field. (I have begun naming my sketches and bodies so as to key them together.) I don’t see as much lag when manipulating objects, but it lags then too. The lag time grows in both cases where it appears cumulative, but dramatically when sketching. This is a WAG or maybe a SWAG on my part.

Let’s hope we get a fix soon.

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Shaun, With all due respect, you are missing several critical points.

The first signs of lag I saw began before the upgrade. It began as I was adding significant amounts of detail to my drawing. And you seem to miss that I did what I did based on these findings and from not having had serious performance issues with Shapr3D prior. I have found it thoroughly impressive. If I had a bias it was not against the software.

Here is another interest of mine. I have a son who is needing to upgrade his computer. Granted my interest in helping him did not initiate my efforts, but it sure did not stop my efforts. When I upgrade I can make it easy for him to upgrade.

Consider the people from who I sought information when the new hardware did not work, I spoke with Apple computer personnel. They thought the RAM was insufficient. It was only today that one of them saw the issue in a different and more accurate way, but he had the history of the case to work from. He was informed by my previous findings.

So you see none of this was due to some sort of ill-mannered intent. It was the result of several well intentioned people trying to figure something out. Finally, and frankly very important to the whole process, Shapr3D is now addressing the problem. So there seems one more point you may have missed. I had previously inquired about the issue on this forum. I received no response that I am aware of at this time. On the other hand, other inquiries and positive suggestions I had made did get a response. I figured their were no known software issues attributable to the lag times.

In the world of diagnostics, there are several fundamentals. For instance, a test is worthwhile if it will change the treatment. Even a test that results in a so called normal diagnosis is worthwhile. Also, don’t look for zebras when you hear hoofbeats. (That is if you don’t live near zebras.) Which means, it is worthwhile to test for those things that are altogether possible, but don’t look for the outlier first. Large files and large software programs do eventually exceed hardware. (They are not the metaphorical zebra. They happen everywhere.) If not, why is there the constant need for faster processors? Software pushes hardware. It always has and always will, as long as people seek better solutions. And, don’t worry about getting a negative test result because it may inform one’s thinking. That is, keep your ego out of the way. Remember to watch out for confounding factors. You expose those through testing and looking at data, like performance benchmarks. And keep your ego out of the way if earlier you missed something. (A good baseball batter is one who misses 70% of the pitches thrown there way. Just think if their ego worried their mind about only hitting only 30% of the balls pitched to them.)

In conclusion, I suspect what I shared on this forum has value to those seeking a solution to a software problem and not simply seeking loyalty to a software program. Let’s hope the software developers have loyalty to developing great software and fixing it when needed.

If they do? Away we go.

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5.620 is out with many improvements and bug fixes. This release addresses virtually every single workflow and performance problem that have been reported to our team in the last 2 weeks.

The increased load times can be addressed by merging your history steps. So far the increased load times that we have seen were due to very long (500+ or 1000+ long) parametric history steps that didn’t take advantage of the parametric history.

Large assembly related performance issues have been fixed too.

The Mac, iPad and Microsoft App Stores take some time to refresh in certain regions, so if the update is not available yet for you, you might need to wait a couple of hours.

Here is a list of functional improvements that made it to 5.620:

  • New: Now you can merge history steps with just a single click to remove dependencies between bodies and sketches.

  • Improved: The Project tool now has a new option to project sketches without retaining a connection to their origin, allowing you to make further edits on projected sketches.

  • Improved: The Project tool can now project items into an existing sketch.

  • Improved: The copy badge now has the option to create multiple copies.

  • Improved: The gizmo center of the Move/Rotate tool now adjusts more effortlessly during consecutive transformations.

  • Improved: Sketches snapped to a face center point now create a connection, allowing you to keep your sketches snapped when modifying earlier History steps.

  • Improved: Circle center points now snap to holes, giving you more precision in your workflow.

  • Improved: The Items Manager no longer displays red text notifications for invalid bodies.


Wow, this is really mega amazing. A very, very good improvement, this makes Shapr3d now the best 3D software ever, freedom of designing, no more limitations. Thanks and thanks also for the new tutorials.


This is the document that I can’t open after updating.

Thank you for the very timely update.

I have listed some suggestions for the update:

  1. The new app is not as simple and pure as it was at the beginning, and the hardware requirements are getting higher and higher. For this reason, I need to replace my iPad. There are many powerful software, but all of them are not suitable for me. I hope shapr3d will maintain its characteristics.

  2. The time of merging history is particularly long, which does not improve the efficiency of the design.

  3. For customers who do not need a historical record, can they choose through the option? Many users’ usage habits are forward, not adjusted by returning to the history. This will make their design ideas more continuous!

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Oh this I am looking forward to trying asap. I can’t tell you how annoying that has been to see the items you need to project right in front of you and have ‘Computer Say No’!!

Still 2 things I’m dying, dying I tell you, to see - 1) A search box on the Objects panel - so I can search for what I’m after instead of having to scan a long list of items

  1. Dual directional extrude. So it automatically extrudes out in the mirror plane when you pull one side. Please - I use this every single time I use Shapre3D and it bugs me no end.

Thanks for efforts so far.


The update looks great thank you so much. Looking forward to playing with it.

I am noticing there are still some issues with sketching. It’s very difficult to sketch all the lines on the same plane.

I am exactly the same. I think Shapr has badly misunderstood what a significant proportion of its users liked about, and want from its product here. I am always open to learning, but i have a slice of time every few months to teach myself a neew thing - and I’m ok that I might not be ‘best practice’ with all my workflows - because, frankly, I have to work with how my mind works, and it definitely isn’t a ‘best practice’ mind in all regards!

I just want the old app back :pensive: I used to call it the ‘Procreate of 3D’ because i could just sink into it and design for hours… and get amazing precision while still feeling quite free-form and creative. It’s actually quite upsetting what is doing on - and I can’t help but feel the devs have lapsed from a UX mindset to an engineer mindset, where it’s your fault as a user for not reading the manual (every time it changes…)

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