Oh no, I grasp your analogy, it just still doesn’t make much sense to me personally. Nor address the idea that simply changing coordinates of something negates everything else. If the assistant is out of the room, but still follows ALL the steps, including changing the coordinates/rotation at the same step in the process then all the subsequent steps should still follow. You’re saying that they won’t. To me it sounds more like a calculation issue vs a steps in the process issue. I’ll explain…
For instance. If you model a simple screw. You can take that screw and copy it and use it over and over, move them wherever you need them, change the angle to suit the parts. But changing the first screw won’t change the other screws. ONLY by changing the sketch will change all the screws. If I’ve gotten that right then, again at least to me, it’s an incomplete system since it only goes one way and the only thing that is truly parametric is the sketch. Move the sketch, all the screws move.
So by the current standard you can move and re-position the sketch itself, which will in turn move and position the body. It stands to follow that even with multiple sketches, as long as you keep the same relations between the planes then the entire body will not change. So the sketches can be moved without changing the entire order of the history. But somehow moving both together will?
(Edit, i quickly tested this theory by doing this. Selecting and moving multiple sketches at once does indeed work as described. Only the subsequent copies moved in the same relationship as the first)
If the body is inherently tied to the sketch(es), and the dependencies are still tied to the sketch so by modifying that, it can change the body. However the body can be independently moved, rotated, modified from the sketch, so therefore the entire essence of parametric is only tied to the sketch itself. Not to the bodies themselves.
I’ll go back to your point about coordinates in the digital space. To me, it would seem that if you move the body and the sketch follows, the ONLY thing that’s changed is the coordinates and if you rotate then it’s still just a calculation in space. (Same as modifying the sketch(es) to their coordinates in space) Perhaps these calculations are too much for the system to handle or be implemented at a different point. But it does seem to be more of a calculation/implementation limitation vs history and steps.
I’ve wrapped my head around it, hell used programs way more complex and packed with the same stuff, but i’ll state again, I believe this is only useful in certain situations for certain models and/or iterations. For those, yes i’ll make much more use of it. But in the meantime it’s not a huge benefit, if much of one at all. And the implementation is lacking.
I specifically came to Shapr not only because it was iPad based (before the Mac and PC add on) but because it wasn’t parametric and overly complex and I didn’t need massive computing power to run it like I did Solidworks which killed my past 3 laptops.
THAT version was elegantly simple. THIS is more a move to try and compete with the other, as you point out, numerous CAD programs that offer parametric, only with much less of the features. Shapr was unique in that it didn’t claim to be competing with them, just providing an entry point that was intuitive and easy to understand, judging by the comments the last few weeks it’s now neither without re-education.