Lock button inconsistencies

I believe that I posted this in January but no longer see the post at all. My account has no record of it, I have no pending post. It was long and detailed.

Long post short: The button that appears to lock a sketch or object where the cursor/object is, and the lock icon on the right hand side toolbar are inconsistent. Under the cursor the lock icon appears one way - but if you look at the sidebar, the icon is different. The cursor icon shows the “state” of the locked item. The sidebar shows the “action” to do upon an item. This was causing me great confusion, and is a clear UI mismatch. “Is the item locked?” “Am I locking or unlocking the item?” The icons should be the same, IMO the icon should show the state of the item, ie the cursor/object based icon should be the truth.



Trips me up all the time too!

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