I am trying to use a sketch on two planes to loft from a semi-circle shape to essentially a rectangle, but get a very smooth curve (see photo). For the life of me, I can seem to find a way to do this. I will upload a photo of the real thing as well as a screen grab of how I am envisioning using planes to sketch on. I have tried lofting through multiple sketches, but that isn’t working either. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Hi @mjhillsc
Welcome to the forum.
You have almost done the job yet.
The rectangle has 4 summits so the solution is to draw 4 guides for the loft tool.
The trick is to draw 2 guides, ending on the rounded side of the guitar handle, at some distance from each other, otherwise the loft would fail.
I created 2 construction planes using 3 points each time to define them, and draw the guides using 3 points control mode spline.
To ensure tangency of the guides, I also project some edge or line to the sketches and use the tangent constraint between them and the guides.
Guitar neck LOFT.shapr (3.2 MB)
The video shows the whole process.
And of course you can play with the fillets to get a better transition to the handle.
Guitar neck LOFT2.shapr (3.3 MB)
@PEC this is incredibly helpful. The video is excellent and easy to follow. Thank you! Thank you!!
Well, this hasn’t been easy! But, thanks to @PEC video, and lots of trial and error (heavy on the error side), I got what I was after.