Loop select by double tap in sketch mode


When in sketch mode, it would be really great if a double-tap on a segment of a spline / rectangle / line group would just select all connected segments.

This would significantly improve object selection for offsets.

Currently, what happens is that you are thrown out of sketch mode into 3d-object-selection mode, and the underlying object is selected as a whole.


Could you please record a video of this, with Tutorial mode turned on? The app should normally work exactly as you described (selecting all connected sketch segments on double tap), there’s something strange going on if it doesn’t.

Sure, here you are. Thanks!

Hey @toncek,

Make sure to use Offset Edge tool with Loop offset type, it works exactly as you described. It is accessible from either sketch mode and modelling space (by selecting a planar face).

Awesome, thank you. In my defense, I was working on something, and also trying to unlearn Fusion and getting to know Shapr :sweat_smile:

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