Make an object wireframe or transparent, to see through an object

I’m working on a small mechanical knife, and I need to see the extends of the surrounding frame at all times to make sure the parts will fit inside. I am using the free plan.

Currently, I just hide the frame so I can see the parts inside, or I will zoom in and fight the camera to get a good look at whatever I’m working on.

I’m imagining there’s some way to make objects slightly transparent so I can see where they are but work through them on internal parts. The isolate feature is good for working on one part at a time, but not fitting parts together.

The frame of the knife and the smaller parts inside:

Using View -> Show Hidden Edges, I am able to get a wireframe of objects, that helps a ton. Not transparent, but I would say it’s all you really need, so I’m pretty happy with it.

So I can see how to make it transparent if I use Visualize, but in order to work with the model while parts have become transparent, I would need the Pro plan to keep the material changes. Making a part transparent shouldn’t be part of the Pro plan, in my opinion.