;This is long but please read.
The issue I will describe has been bugging me throughout my design process. See attached screen shots. As you can see a lot of times I want the app to show me the full panel dimensions or dimensions of one part of the panel. As seen is screen shot1. So I can change quickly and easily a dimension. As with screen shot1 this is easy to change the dimension from 10mm to say 20mm. Easy. See screen shot2. When I click on another panel I get 0mm as shown. Then what I have to do is use the measuring tool to measure the distance. I know you are going to say that I have 2 parts selected. That’s true some of the time but not most of the time. Next, I have to calculate and add or subtract a set number to get my 20mm round number. Which is not easy because the app does not just subtract/add said amount. And then I have to repeat this procedure several times to get this process done. Frustrating and a waste of my design time. As in my above example. This has wasted me a ton of time and brain power. So can this be fixed. I have found that taping on one part, near the edge of the panel; lets say the top edge area will give me the full panel width dimensions that I can change, and taping on somewhere in the center section will give me the dimensions of just the side part(10mm). This is great but as you can see in the screenshots it only works half the time. I like my parts to all be in round numbers. I, like Adam Savage from the TV show MythBusters, like to design in 3D space more than I like to sketch and work from a blue print. So I tend to draw a 2D plain and immediately extrude the object into a 3D object then start combining 3D objects together to make a design. That’s why in my other post, having an alignment tool that actually and actually functions is a must have feature, as well.
Thank You