Model thumbnail in spaces

I’d like to see an option for selecting what kind of thumbnail is generated for my models

Since we mainly use Shapr3D to show our customers what we can provide, sort of like an AR catalogue, it’d be easier to see what model they’re looking at when the thumbnails are taken from the front rather than isometric.
I do understand why isometric was chosen, it’s way clearer in general use, yet for our specific use case (metal doors/walls) a front view makes it easier for the layman to know what they’re looking at. Hence my request to be able to select which view gets used


Up until a very recent update, the thumbnail would be a snapshot of the view, when I saved the file.
I could set the drawing view to be a plan view of a site plan, then exit the file and the thumbnail would be the plan view.
The same would be true of elevations or any other view.

I NEED to get that capability back.

Many of my thumbnails are useless since they took away that basic capability.

Are others here having the same issue?

I just noticed what you said. It looks like it saves the zoom out view as the thumbnail.

But if you isolate or hide everything except the wanted model that becomes the thumbnail.


Isolated thumbnail

Yeah that’s true, and I appreciate your help.
But for me the issue is that I have large complex models of multiple art installations and architectural features on large site plans. So even though they are well organized in body folders, having to isolate elements every time I exit, while still not being able to preserve the camera viewpoint on the thumbnail, is a seemingly needless impediment.

In the past, the thumbnails have always been entirely intuitive and useful.
Why they would take away that capability, simply eludes me.

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I imagine the reason they did this is to create unity across files and get the folder view to look less cluttered. But instead of forcing isometric on the views, we should have an option to choose which view we want it set to (or none at all). End point being, make it toggleable rather than forced please, nice Shapr3D devs

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Yes indeed. Here’s an interface proposal I sent to Shapr which shows exactly that.
I suggested that holding your finger on a view name would allow you to Rename or select a view as a Dashboard Thumbnail.

But yeah, in a different area of the interface you should be able to toggle on the original thumbnail behavior.