More issues (bad ones) with parametric changes

More problems.
After being an early subscriber years ago I’m now so frustrated I’m seriously thinking of cancelling with shapr3d and try some other app.

Apart from my previously described issues relating to locking sketches to extruded objects I now find once an extrusion is made from a sketch, the sketch no longer acts like a “normal” sketch. It’s still there ( minus all the useful dots that show the half lengths and corners) but I can no longer use it to add more sketch to it and retain features like enclosing an area to extrude more objects.

I drew a roughly rectangular sketch but with spline curved sides then extruded it. I then decided I needed some tabs off the outside of it. But now when add the outline of the tabs to the sketch they don’t close with the main sketch. So they won’t generate the pale blue highlight that signifies I can extrude from them.

I really really really dislike this parametric bug - it’s a bug not a feature. It really needs to be able to be turned off or better still got rid of.

If you want to add to your existing sketch, first tap on the existing one(sketch line)and after it you can start drawing, so they will be on the same plane and can connected to each other.

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Nope you have to read the whole statement. The line appears as you draw it but it is no longer recognized by the sketch as completing any enclosed area with the sketch so you can not extrude from any area now attached to the original sketch unless you draw enclose it completely, extrude it, Tools
-union it to the old extruded object. Enclosing it was a problem in my sketch because the original sketch had an irregular spline drawn edge so needed another spline drawing to form an enclosure.
I should not have to jump through so many hoops to add a tab on the side of the object.

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Your video bears no resemblance to the order of the sketching and the problem/bug I’ve found.

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According to my reading, your problem is the drawings that are placed on different sketch planes. My video is made to address this problem. Next time, please send a picture or a short video for easy comprehensibility.

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