Sketches and extruded objects

Suddenly got a glitch appeared.
When I make a sketch then extrude from it the extruded object becomes somehow affected by any actions on the sketch.
If I delete the sketch the object disappears even when moved away from the sketch. If I change the size of the sketch the object changes size to match.
If I copy the object then both objects are affected by actions on the sketch.
If I want to keep the object I have to keep the sketch. But sometimes I need to delete it to manipulate the object or the sketch further or to perform other functions such as make a lofted object from a bigger sketch.

Actually found more issues.
When I move the extruded object the sketch becomes hidden. It’s a real pain to have to keep in hiding it.
Third problem
Enclosed smaller sketch areas when tapped to highlight to extrude now randomly either select as required or select the whole surrounding area. Some lines of sketch appear on screen but act like they are not there if tap them.