Mouse input not always recognized

I’ve discovered a problem with using a mouse with Shapr3D. For reference, the mouse in question is a 3DConnecxion CAD Mouse on a Mac via bluetooth, but I don’t think the type of mouse or its connection has anything to do with the problem. Read on.

I’ve noticed that the Shapr3D does not always register all of the input from the mouse - that is some double clicks don’t register, and some scroll wheel action doesn’t register. It is related to the speed of input. A quick double click on a body will not always register with Shapr3D. That is, the body is not selected. Instead, the face is selected, as if I only single-clicked. If I slow down the speed of double clicking, it more reliably registers as a double click and selects the body.

Similarly, not all scroll wheel input is recognized. By default, the scroll wheel controls zooming. A quick roll of the scroll wheel is recognized, resulting in quick zooming in or zooming out. However, if I roll the scroll wheel more slowly, not every detent of the scroll wheel is recognized, and I get a jumpy zoom action. In fact, if I scroll slowly enough, NONE of the scrolling input is recognized and there is NO ZOOMING AT ALL.

Before anyone questions my setup, a quick switch of focus to the Mac Finder App reveals that there is no such problem with double-clicking or scroll wheel input. All mouse double-clicking always registers, and every detent in the scroll wheel results in scrolling in the Mac Finder, no matter what speed they are made at.

For reference, this is not the first time we have seen a problem with recognizing user input.

Im trying to diagnose problem with my mouse. Not sure if my mouse is broken or if it’s Shapr.

Is your issue just with Shapr3d and is it intermittent?

For me, the issue is just with Shapr3D. It is not intermittent - it is always there and easily reproducible.

It’s weird, I think I tracked it down to Shapr causing my intermittent issue?

At first I thought my mouse was broken. I have issues with Middle Click to Pan.

I tracked the pan issue to Shapr, this doesn’t happen in Onshape, but mine is intermittent, 5 percent of the time during full work day.

Can you see if the intermittency is related to anything? Does it happen more if the side drawer is open? Does it happen more if there is more complexity, or at certain zoom levels?

My issue is harder to reproduce, it happens during not intensive session.

It results just a click not a click and hold so pops exit sketch menu. Usually happens once a day and it goes away after 10 or so minutes. During that time I confirmed middle click hold works on Onshape and when I go back to Shapr it doesn’t work.

I have Karabiner Event Viewer on now so that should register what’s going on for next time.

I have also downloaded Karabiner Event Viewer - thanks for that idea.

I really wish the Shapr team would respond to this.

If you could send us the specifications and driver of your mouse and of your device in a support ticket, we can investigate the issue further.

Actually I wanted to document the behavior and put in a support ticket, happened 3 days in a row. Few days later 5.790 released I installed it I don’t see this issue anymore.