Moving Vectors from Aspires to Shapr3D

New to Shapr3D, but am really enjoying the workflow! I design and build bass guitars and primarily use Vectric Aspire to design and build with. There are some limitations on the 3D modelling side that I am hoping to use Shapr3D to fix. I am unable to do simple sweeps and lofts to build my designs. I have the vectors in Aspire and would like to transfer them over and I have tried every possible export option and even intermediate conversion programs and I cannot get them into Shapr3D. DXF produces to many unneeded endpoints and too many short lines. Any recommendations on how to get my body and neck shapes in without redrawing them by hand?

Did Aspire generate the DXF? When you open the DXF in Shapr you see alot more endpoints vs the original?

I don’t think Shapr added those extra endpoints, it was converted that way by either Aspire or the Intermediate converstion program you mentioned.

Shapr doesn’t explode DXF for you (I could be wrong) during import. I believe it was exploded priror to import.

Can you upload a sample DXF from Aspire.
We can then see what you are ending up with.

Upgraded, so now I can upload!

I think it is from Aspire. The extra endpoints are used to draw other curves or lines. Deleting them removes other vectors. (12.1 KB)
Attached the file! I need to find a way to just get a few vectors out of Aspire so I can use them in Shapr3D to build my components.

I tried opening your DXF in another program and the lines are like the way you described. That means Aspire converted your original line to more CAD friendly vectors/sketch.

Also since we now know DXF from Aspire is not what you anticipated try PDF export and import it to Inkscape. With PDF Aspire should not separate vectors into multiple segments. You can use Inkscape to convert it to DXF, I have found it maintains your vectors correctly, but I recommend exporting DXF and image file to overlay on top to confirm successful conversation. I found sometimes DXF deviates from the original vectors, posted a comment on that subject here.

I have now also tried in some other software, and get similar imported drawing elements.
I think Shapr3d has made a reasonable job at dealing with the DXF file.
I tried importing the file in to CAMBAM then Combining each outline into single polylines (total of 5 for the drawing).
Shapr then treats the lines as a succession of short arcs, instead of splines.
I have attached that import as a Shapr file, for a laugh.
FBODY_Alt.shapr (35.8 KB)

I tested some other options and I think the Aspire exports are not compatible with what I am trying to do. I did a spline around the edge and exported that to dad and it loaded fine into other apps.