Multiple copy stopped working + jumping objects

Video show it all. Objects jump and multiple copies(?) doesnt work anymore. Have to unselect - select to make a new copy…

Wrong video…here is the correct one

This is new style of copying solid bodies. Discussed here a lot. Maybe developers will change this behavior a little in the upcoming releases. Istvan wrote about that recently.

Wtf, was working yesterday. What about the bodies jumping all over when moving them?

Maybe you’ve updated yesterday, but this new version is already free weeks as released for everyone. And was accessible for all new users for months.

It’s hard to understand from your video but looks like you clicking on copy button after moved the body. So in new version this disabling copy procedure and it is acting like a regular move.

If this is not what you’re doing then this is a bug. The new body in the items list confusing me a little. Not very understandable what you re doing.

If you can describe how to repeat this behaviour I will test it and give you the answer. If it’s only about one specific WS then can you share it?