Named "Breakpoints"/NoOps for Parametric Beta

The problem that this feature will solve:

History is great but renaming every step tideous, on bigger Project you normally have bigger chunks of work, like natural steps. So inserting a “named point” - without it doing anything, like eg “Handle finished” would help to structure the history.

Brief description of the outcomes that you expect from this feature:
Eg model a drawer. this consist of the body, the handle and the rails. probably I start with creating the body, then the rails and the handle. I’d like to have named spot in my history so I know where to set my breakpoint, if I late in the project to decide to change the body again.

What can’t you achieve without this feature?
Finding the right spot where to insert a new change in the middle of the history on first glance

Is this a workflow blocker for you? Is this why you can’t use Shapr3D for work? Is this slowing you down?
It would be a big Quality of life improvement.

only other option I see is to have a concept of multiple objects, which all have their own history, and still can be seen in a single project. But that’s probably way more work, as basically adding a NoOp, which you can rename.


I need also this feature to structure history.

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