It was my first time using chamfer and fillet, and I couldn’t seem to figure out how to switch between the two. It seemed to always default to chamfer. It wasn’t until I watched the video and saw that you can drag in both directions that I realized you have to reverse it. so instead of a negative number, you need a positive number and vice versa. This should be switchable in the history view and it would be nice if you could change the tool on demand also - instead of having to drag it the other direction or change the positive number to a negative number
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We’ll separate the two tools as part of the parametric improvements.
Will they still function the same though, being able to click and drag one way for Fillet and other way for Chamfer? Because that is an amazing feature once you know that it how it works, as with a lot of the features of Shapr3D
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We intend to keep this interaction to pick Chamfer or Fillet when you are adding them as a new feature for easy access. However once the operation is recorded in history you won’t be able to turn them into one another.
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