Drag to chamfer successful, drag to fillet unsuccessful

I left Shapr3D long enough to forget how to use it. I’ve returned, and I’m trying beginner tutorials from the very beginning. My version is 5.760.0 (7837) Mac. I’ve been searching the community to try to find out how it might be possible that dragging a selected edge of an extruded shape toward the center of the object creates a chamfer as expected, but dragging the selected edge away from the center of the object does not create the fillet. Instead, the “away” drag produces no change. I seem to remember that last time I tried this, I could drag one way to create the chamfer, then drag in the opposite direction to see the chamfer I had just begun diminish to nothing, then begin to produce the fillet. Now, the drag opposite to the initial one reduces the chamfer, but continuing the drag past the point where the chamfer was started doesn’t begin the fillet. This is a very clumsy way to explain what happens visually, but the point is that no fillets can be created by dragging the double arrows (displayed by clicking an edge) away from the extruded object. I suspect that this is a known issue with a simple fix, but I haven’t been able to find the fix yet, either by experimenting in the application or by searching the community for an answer. I can try to produce a very small video to show the issue, but, because the problem is the absence of action, it may be difficult to display in the video, I think. Please help. Thanks.

Experiment: Try tapping on the opposing arrow. You should be able to input a number Positive for fillet, negative for chamfer. Try a positive number and make the fillet. Tap on the arrow again and hit the ± and put the same number in. Does it change too a chamfer? If not what does it say top of screen?

Thanks. I can say now that I’m convinced there’s an error in the app itself, or its configuration on my computer. No, both numbers create the chamfer. What’s more, the same thing occurs in the 11th of the 12 steps of the basic (introductory) tutorial, despite the fact that the preceding instructions show the drag in either direction to create the chamfer/fillet, and the object is already created when the user selects the edge and drags. It appears that I must simply look for and perform steps to reset the app. I’ll come back if that doesn’t provide the fix. Thanks again.

I’m sorry, I should have said that the positive number creates the chamfer, the negative number does nothing.

Try it on an extruded rectangle? Before you do I suggest a complete power down, restart and open a new project.

Thanks. Did that a couple times before I started the thread, first with a restart, then with a shutdown. I’ll let you know when I make progress.

Removed the app package and the Shapr3D folder in ~/Library/Containers, then reinstalled 5.760.0 (7837). It’s fixed for now. Thanks.

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