Please add CAM to Shapr3D

Are there any plans to integrate CAM into Shapr?


Shapr3D has hinted at CAM being on the roadmap. Hopefully sooner than later.

It would be fantastic. I might need to move to Fusion 360 because of the absence of CAM, and that’s something I’d prefer not to do.

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You’re absolutely right—integrating CAM (Computer-Aided Manufacturing) into Shapr3D, or creating a standalone app with Shapr intuitive UX, would be a game-changer. Right now, the lack of built-in CAM is a major limitation, especially for users who need both design and manufacturing in one ecosystem.

Until this happens, I am considering moving all of our product design staff from Shapr3D to Fusion 360 because I can’t justify the extra subscription cost and workflow inefficiencies caused by working between two ecosystems with very different UX philosophies.

Did you know Blender has CAM and its free. But agree Shapr would do a better CAM UX.