Post editing capabilities?

I am familiar with fusion 360 and it’s timeline and post editing capabilities. Once a complex body has been designed, is there a way to go back and edit any aspect of it? No timeline either? Thank you.

Currently Shapr3D does not have a timeline. The modeling workflow is a so called direct modeling workflow. You can learn more about how direct modeling works here:Advantages of Direct Modeling - Tutorials - Shapr3D

Thank you. So if a mistake is made in say, step 5 of maybe 50 steps, what is the best way to repair it? Start over or just try to rotate/translate it?


This question is a bit too generic to answer. Direct modeling provides plenty of ways to edit and modify 3D geometry. Is there a particular issue that you got stuck with?

Nothing in particular. Just understanding the differences between Parametric and Direct. My Fusion 360 models often start as parametric, but due to a really crappy user interface (I think), I often end up going into direct modeling anyway.

Thanks for the quick replies!

I guess I do have an issue. If I have created a cylinder from a circle sketch and it is too large, what is the best way to resize it? Redraw the sketch? Perform a Scale?


You can select the cylindrical face and change its diameter. Or you can select the top face, and change its height.