Prusa MK3S+ or Neptune 4 Pro

What has done tech support in is the internet. No matter what question I have, I can find far superior answers through crowdsourcing with youtube, reddit, whatever. And, like Shapr, there are user forums that answer any question. The days are over for needing manufacturer customer support, and I just use them for ordering spare parts. I would never want to go back to the old days.

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I stopped calling tech support for any reason long time ago, I don’t even think they should even be called tech support more like upsell man :melting_face:.

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You can also find a lot dubious information on the internet. Lots of people taking advice from forums. And that can be a mixed bag of goods and bads.

Puns intended, we seem to be going off at a Tangent to the core topic of this thread.
Perhaps coming full circle, and complying with the constraints of the topic title.
Investigate all the support channels and forums for the printers you are interested in, and decide which is likely to have the most appropriate support for you and your needs.
At some point you will run in to problems with any make, and want somewhere to turn to for support.
You can either go with a make that has good manufacture support reputation and possibly great reliability.
Or on the other hand the makes that have a large following and a multitude of enthusiasts to help.
It all depends on your envisaged use for the printer.
I decided on an X1 carbon, because I use it for business.
I needed the fastest route to productivity with the minimum learning curve.
Bambu came along and offered this, in the same way that Apple and DJI shook up their technology sectors.
I liked the AMS and the spools of Filament that when you print with them the settings are generally right.
I do quite like the look of the new Prusa Core, and the fact that you can buy an upgrade kit to go from the open printer.
Although I try to be lazy where I can, and would buy the Prusa Core complete.

A YouTube channel I came across some time back was ‘Shop Nation’ and recently he then started ‘Print farm Academy’.
Somebody who has built a sizeable printing business, so has much experience with reliability and quality.

I’m sure we annoyed the Original Poster by now, he wanted to know more about miniatures, but hopefully we did gave him good info on miniatures. I’m sure he muted the notification on this topic (OP note the tracking button below!) thinking these are some very knowledgeable Bambu users :nerd_face:.

It’s true you get some dubious information but more times I gotten more dubious info from so-called support. Good thing with the internet you begin to learn which source you can trust, while making some mistakes true, it’s a learning process. Also we pointed out what to expect from companies like Elegoo. Dealing with them be more alert vs Prusa unless they get bought out by Elegoo kidding! So it’s good to ask like the Original Poster, I’m sure he has gotten his printer by now and enjoying his hobby.