Resize 3d Object & Missing Dimensions?

Appreciate the help for a new person. I feel like I am missing something basic with my 2 questions. I have looked at a number of community posts and support videos without luck. Thanks ahead for the help.

I want to resize a 3d object based on actual measurements and not scale. I only see the scale option & this topic is discussed a lot. I am assuming this is is still the only way to do this.


  1. When I select a 3d object, either a box I made in Shapr3D or STL import, I do not see an easy to to view the actual dimensions of the object. For example in the first screenshot below to scale the object, there is no indication of any measurements.

  2. When I am not in measurement mode and select a face or object, I do not see the Selection Information at the bottom of the screen. Note screenshot 2.

So if I cannot see any dimensions, anywhere, how am I suppose to properly scale objects with manual calculations?

Running on a Windows 10 PC.


Hi @NoThanks ,

With STL, you are not going to get any actual dimensions. There is a small set of useful tools in Shapr3D to manipulate mesh bodies, like the Booleans, and split. So you will need another tool. I use the free PrusaSlicer and it can do measurements on STLs.

For bodies you have made in Shapr3D, you can use the measurement tool (as you’ve done). Or, something I find convenient is to select an edge and you’ll see the length.

To help with scaling, note there is a calculator that pops up when you want to edit the number. Using that calculator it is a matter of dividing two numbers: what you want that dimension to be / what that dimension is.

It could be simpler, but it is workable today.

@Bob3DPO Appreciate the reply.

I get it on the STL. Where I am not seeing anything on the Selection Information on the bottom of the screen when not in measure mode. Check out this support video around the 35 second mark where they talk about it.

I think you meant to attach a link to the video…


There have been some changes, (like a point release every 2 wks!) but the manual entry you posted is pretty recent (4 mos old).

I believe there have been some changes to the Selection Information area, but I don’t know the specifics. Sometimes a selection has more information, sometimes less. Regardless of that, you can get measurements with the measurement tool. Then it is a matter of using that when scaling. When you scale, you can select “uniform,” or “non-uniform,” where the latter allows you to set x, y, and z scales different.

By selecting 2 faces, the measurement tool will give you things like minimum distance, angle (if planar), etc.

After reading your first post again… You can resize some without using scale: create a cube. Now select a face of the cube and enter a new dimension. That is using the offset face tool to change the size.

Another way to change size is to modify history. For example, after you have extruded, you can change the dimension of that extrusion.

I would like to ask @Laci_K for some help… could you please provide an answer to details in the Selection Information area? Thanks László!