Revolving a Barrier shape around a Unique Base

I’m new to Shapr3D. I am trying to model a skatepark bowl andw wanted to wrap the small shape in the image around the base. Is this possible and if not, what can I do to get similar results?

Yes you can do that, it is quite simple.

  1. extrude park base. (Which you have)
  2. click on the top edge (perimeter)
  3. Select the ‘add plane on curve point’
  4. Click on the plane and select ‘sketch’
  5. Draw the shape you want to run around the edge of the park. (must be closed shape).
  6. Select that shape, then in tools select the ‘sweep tool’
  7. Now click on the top perimeter edge of the park, all the way around.
    Hopefully you now have a continuous ramp all the way around.
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That’s exactly what I needed thank you!

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