Screen space (quaternion) orbit/rotation

The problem that this feature will solve:

  1. In perspective view orbit around an object so that you are viewing from near the bottom or top.
  2. Try to orbit left or right (on my Mac with a Magic Mouse I hold CTRL+SHIFT+CLICK and move the mouse left and right.

Expected result: The camera should orbit around the screen space Y axis.

Actual result: The camera orbits around the world Z axis.

Brief description of the outcomes that you expect from this feature:

it would be useful to orbit the camera around the axes of screen space to intuitively look around the object, as you would in VR or in a video game.

Hint: Define the camera orientation as a quaternion.

What can’t you achieve without this feature?

It seems it is not possible to orbit an object around the screen axes. The camera always orbits around the world axis. This leads to some situations when working on the top or bottom of an object where it becomes difficult / challenging to sketch and manipulate objects.

An example where this can be seen is with the “Motorcycle Fender, part 3” tutorial. The tutorial shows drawing sketches on the bottom of the fender. It is difficult to work on the model from this view point as it is difficult to select points accurately when creating the construction axes, and the handles for the extrusion move toward and away from the camera view axis making it difficult to control precisely.

Sorry it seems I cannot post screenshots in this text input box.

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