Split body using another body

The problem that this feature will solve:
A shortcut for splitting a body into two or more bodies in an arbitrary manner.

Brief description of the outcomes that you expect from this feature:
Given a body to be split and a modifier body, the result should be:

  1. The intersection of the two bodies, and
  2. the modifier body subtracted from the body to be split

Example usage: you’ve designed an enclosure as a single part, but it needs to be split in two parts so it can be opened. The mating surfaces should not be flat but should each have a lip so they interlock together. You create a modifier body and use the new feature to split the casing into three parts: the two halves and a thin ring section that will become the interlocking lips. You use the new feature again to split the ring into the two lips. You then use the union tool to join one lip to each half of the case.

What can’t you achieve without this feature?
At the moment this is achieved using the intersect tool (keeping the original bodies), followed by the subtract tool. However it’s such a frequent combination that I would enjoy using it a feature. It could be added as an option to either the subtract tool or the intersect tool rather than being a standalone tool. For example, the subtract tool or the intersect tool could have the option to keep the discarded parts of the modified body.


Makes sense. In the future we might create a mechanism for similar user defined automations. Stay tuned. :slight_smile:


Having just done the steps again, I think it would work well as an option on the little pop up menu that appears when you drag the extrusion handle through another body, that allows you to select subtract/union/new body/intersect. That would save another step.


Superb suggestion!