Subscription pricing models

So after a year (which has passed too quickly) it’s time to renew my account or revert to the basic and unpaid mode. I can’t justify the £250 or so (my auto renew reminder is not specific as to how much that would be) so I’m going to let it lapse for a while. I’ve learned so much over this year and enjoyed modelling some simple garden projects including producing 2D drawings which are helpful for cutting lists and plans.

As I remember it, when I first tried out Shapr3D there was a paid basic version and a paid pro version. I could justify (to myself) a subscription for half the pro cost with a limited set of advanced tools. As a retired fellow, this would fit my budget and my level of amateur tinkering about.

A shame :-/


I agree, there should be a separation from someone who works on projects and use shapr3d as a professional and for people who just needs the basics for hobby or casual creations.


I totally agree. I’m still a student and have a student license (for now). I’m dreading paying 300 usd for few models I create. That’s Adobe’s problem too. People are creative, they need to create, but if they don’t profit from the actual creation in the app, I don’t know why not create a hobby plan (feel free to limit features, number of exports, etc). Please do it for us!

*Anyway, thanks to the team behind Shapr3D, it’s a great app for iPad

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Yes, also agree and I have made these complaints before, along with many other users. I will always have a soft spot for Shapr as it was the first bit of CAD software outside of TinkerCAD that I could get into. The trouble is always the price. If it was £300 outright I would pay in a heartbeat, but I can’t warrant £300 a year. For now I will switch between different free platforms while I learn, currently using Fusion and OnShape.

I think the price is very reasonable for what you get. A monthly subscription to Pro is $38 a month. At today’s prices, that’s the cost of one meal at a decent restaurant.


$25/ month.

Only if paid annually. If you have a month-to-month subscription, it’s $38.