Sweep around a rectangle not working

Hey there, I’m trying to make a channel for an o-ring so I’m trying to do a sweep around a rectangle it’s not working. Any help would be appreciated.

Hi and welcome !
In History, choose Sweep and use Path to select the other segments.

Hi @mathewsamuel

From what I see on your screenshot, you are using the same radius for the round edges of the path and for the disk, which is the root cause of your issue.

When you sweep along paths 1, 2, 3, you get three corresponding segments:

Segment 3 is touching segment 1 because the path’s radius equals the disk’s one, and, depending on computation rounding, they are considered just tangent or slightly intersecting, which causes the error.

I suggest you increase the radius on the path to avoid such an issue. It will also prevent ending with tight curvature or sharp angle on the final geometry, which the o-ring would not handle well.


Seems like a bug. Someone might want the sharp edges. Sure for o-rings it may be bad but that might not be the only use case.

So the only way I could get it to work is by moving the circle to the side of the path as seen in this picture:

If the circle is in the middle of the path (which would be more ideal), it never works for me. It throws up the error as before. I thought it would be something to do with the corner radius of the path, but the radius on the circle and the corner radius are both different.

Hmm, I thought that would be the issue, but it seems like my corner radius and my circle radius are both different from each other. Corner Radius is 1.5mm and circle diameter? is 3.2 mm.

see this post below:

It’s not a bug ! It’s logic.
Circle diameter couldn’t be higher than corner radius.
For example:
If corner radius is 5mm, circle diameter must be inferior to 10mm.
@ mathewsamuel > Moving circle is useless :slight_smile:

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Ah you’re probably right. I think moving the circle worked because it’s on the edge of the path instead of the center. It works because it doesn’t pitch. I’ll try increasing the corner radius size.

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It’s logic again…
More you move the circle to exterior of the path more you can increase the diameter of circle.
For example:
If you move the circle on exterior of path and not centered on it you can increase circle diameter

Logic, nonetheless, you could be less rude about it.

Sometimes foreigners and weirdos like me can seem rude while not intending to be rude. Usually it’s a translation thing. I called someone out on it privately in defense of another and we realized our mutual misunderstanding. :smile: First I got an angry retort and then an apology and we both came to the realization and respect. I think from the middle to the front then to the back sometimes. Lifetime of ADHD. Which is like dyslexia of thought. Hard to articulate when you are constantly interrupted by squirrels.