How do you “Sweep” in 3D?
I can only construct the axis lines in 2D, unless I draw line in “Spline”, copy it, rotate it, but am unable to accurately place the end of the line.
Any help please.
Regards Richard.
Try construction plane.
Thankyou, can you elaborate?
There was a good thread on this subject recently, with video showing sweeping handlebars along all axis. I’m going to bed now and haven’t time to find the thread, you should be able to search it out.
Thankyou, I’ll have a look.
Found it, I’ll have a play thanks.
I think what @Stephen is referring to is this one. Note that my contribution showed rotating the segments in 3D space after the initial sweep.
In this one, I rotated the sketch in a short 3D spiral, then did the sweep.
How are you “lifting” the spiral into 3D space?
Nice. Yes, really interested in your spiral. Is it mate up of radii segments or a spline?
How did you lift I into 3D?
Regards Richard.
It’s also really important to be able e to start and finish in a specific place.
The spiral sketch is made up of ever enlarging 90° circle segments. I really didn’t lift it in 3D. In my example I rotated the sketch segments in 3D space and then did the Sweep.
In the other thread “Hanger Style Bracket”, I did the sweep first and then rotated the 90° bodies accordingly. Let me know if you’d like further clarification.
Thanks Mike. Yes I understand, I have been experimenting with similar, interesting though to learn you can rotate the segments after you’ve swept.
I have been using spline as well and then sweeping, the handlebar thread was helpful to see the snapping on of the sketch plane perpendicular to the line. Biggest problem I now see, is getting the sweep axis line to start and finish exactly where you want them, a case of manipulating the axis line I guess. Thanks for the pointers.
Regards Richard.