The New Interface

Wow! Very nicely done. I’m a bit sentimental about the old mode after a thousand plus hours in it. But in a day or so I expect to be fully re-wired. Very clean and efficient, and I can see there’s still room for minor tweaks plus expansion for new features. Just need some more materials, especially in wood and brass metals, and it’s pretty much perfect even before the parametric launches.

Very well done you Guys.

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The shift of the undo/redo arrows to the top of the screen (iPad Pro version) is proving a huge change for me, especially when using Shapr3D when on the move with an Apple pencil. Having to move my focus to the top of the screen just feels wrong. I get that this probably aligns with desktop behaviour but I don’t think it works for the iPad.

Is there a way to choose where the undo/redo tools are placed? If so I haven’t yet discovered it.