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The problem that this feature will solve: The problem is that, when free-form designing (which is the true beauty of direct modeling and shapr3d’s magic) I (many, many of us) have to stop our flow and remember to merge - which takes three clicks, not one. One to open history, second one to merge, third to close history. Or we risk losing designed bodies if we forget. I used to make several copies of eachbody and fiddle with each one differently to compare. Even within a complex project. Now I’m constantly having to remember to merge, which ends up rendering the history useless anyway, so it becomes an obstacle rather than the powerful and truly marvelous tool that it is.
Can we have a toggle so a given part or parts can be “Freeformed”; that is, automatically disconnected from their drawings? Then when certain parts are being engineered (rather than concepted) the history based sketch connections can be reactivated.
This would return the free-design usability that Ibought Shapr3d (and my first IPad Pro) for five years ago, and enable me to take good advantage of the wonderful history tool.
So far, the Merge feature has been a savior, otherwise I couldn’t use the app, but the constant need to merge interrupts what used to be a lovely work flow, and prevents me from using the history tree to full advantage. Thanks for your consideration and the many ‘wow’ improvements you are constantly making.