Translation point selection

Ok what’s happening here.
I built this assembly in another file.
Exported it to native shapr format.
Imported to my master file.
Try to translate to move it into position.
When I pick the top centre of my temporary locating pin, by normal method, touch the end of the pin/circle move it around till it snaps to the centre point.
When it does snap it goes to a point 65 odd mm away?
Is this parametric stuff messing with me again? Or a bug?

From the screenshot’s it’s not possible to tell what’s happening. Can you share the design with our support team or directly with me?

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Looks like Point 5 of the parametric improvements that are coming/being reintroduced:

No, this is different, that one is about the lack of snap points in circular holes in sketching.

Ah my bad, I presumed that was the issue. Looks like cylinder translations work fine.

Hi Istvan
How is it best to do this, the file is over 100mb.

You can upload it to google drive or a similar service and share the link.

I can’t reproduce it.

Thanks Istvan,

Correct. It will select first time……

However, Please try this for me.
Select those bodies for translate, select that center top where you did.

Select second point.

It moves ok…

Now try and move the assembly, vertical 100mm (the length of that dummy cylinder).

It imeadiately springs back down to a different position, (X, Y, and Z) now try and select that shaft like you did before.

Thank you, we’ve reproduced the issue and will fix it.

Hoping the fix is rolling back the versions……

I did solve my problem.
I exported the file to x_t. Then reimported to a new file.
Translation works perfect.
Pieces don’t move.
Loads faster.
Double click on bodies work
iPad doesn’t get hot.