Tube not shelling (basic newbie problem!)

Hi everyone,
I had a quick search for shelling but didn’t see anything that looked promising.

A very helpful person on the forum helped me through designing tentacles for an octopus sculpture I’m making, the tentacles are via my 3D printer. He’s been good but I don’t want to bug him too much, he’s already been very generous with his time.

I’m now in full-on design mode - but Shapr3d is now really frustrating me.

I can make 2 circles, different diameters. I can join them using a spline, and then loft to make a cylinder, that’s all good.

But when I try to shell to make a tube 1.8mm thick, Shapr3D simply says “Invalid selection” when I highlight one of the two faces. It’s really bugging me!!

I think it has something to do with the fact I can still see the end face diameters, somehow. I’m sure it will be something stupid, but I am learning (slowly)

I’ve attached a screenshot. If anyone can please point out what I’m doing (or not doing) I’d really appreciate it - thank you!

Hey @Elpato,

There are sketches on both ends of the tube, which prevents selecting the flat faces of the tube for shelling. Just hide the sketches from the Items List, and Shell will work as expected.

I shall try that right now before I throw my computer out of the window into the cold, rainy night.

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That’s wonderful, you are right. I have learned something tonight - thanks KPeter!

When I am finished my sculpture with my Shapr3d parts, if anyone wants to see it, I am happy to show it in an approved place on the forum.

The surface of the tentacles come out as dodecagons or similar, rather than round, because I can only export as Low resolution (I’m on a real budget at the moment), but it gives the octopus parts a bit more of a robotic, engineered look.

thanks again v much!

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