UI and Offset Face Issue

App Version 5.550.0.6428
macOS Sonoma 14.3.1

I’ve got two related issues I’ve run into with the offset face tool since updating:

  1. The font(both light and dark mode) and background color(dark mode) in the new dimension box is difficult to read and see. *Red circle in image

  2. When clicking on a face to offset it seems to be additive or subtractive now instead of discrete when typing a dimension. This significantly slows my workflow down as I often alter thickness of objects to standard dimensions. *Yellow circle in image

Example of #2:
I have an object of 1.8cm (18mm plywood) and decide I want 1.2cm instead, previously, I would just click on the face and hit 1.2 on my numpad. Now I have to do math with every change in dimension versus just typing in a discrete dimension.

That’s a simple, easy calculation I can do in my head but I’m not good at math so if I need to adjust a 1.905cm (weird #'s come from weird dimensions of US plywood) panel to 1.2 I’m having to pull a calculator out every time to find the difference.

edit Upon further investigation it seems that the Offset Face and Extrude tool have the exact same function when used on an existing body.


Hello Justin,

Had the same issue earlier today, after the update. Possibly a “bug”.


Hopefully it’s just a bug!

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Definitely a bug!!!
It slows down my workflow and annoys me to no end!


Today’s update reverted the behavior back to normal. Thank you for listening and addressing the issue, Shapr3D Team!

The problem still exists and is really annoying (and has been for many a moon!). I cannot work out the logic of when the offset face gives the dimensions of the object and when it gives 0 (i.e.relative change). He’s an example. A rebated piece where I want to change the thickness. Click on one side and it gives the dimension (i.e.40) but click on the other side and 0. As Justin074 states, it’s not always easy to do the calculation of the offset required.
So, what is the logic behind whether we see the dimension or 0? Can we have to option to give the dimension or the offset - I would vote for keeping the dimension by default and have the option (key pressed?) to give the offset.

Using Shapr 5.58

Just changed the dimensions (now showing and end view which is perhaps clearer. Clicking on 1 side gives the dimension of 32 but select the edge and it shows as 32.1034. Click on other side and we get 0 again but the edge length is given as 32. The geometry is hardly complicated :slight_smile:

My guess is your faces are not square. Go around your object and select faces that should be 90°; the status bar will show the angle. If a face is curved, there will be no angle.

Many thanks Bob, your guess was correct - the angle was 89.8406! I lengthened and squared off with a construction plane. I’ll know what to do next time, thanks again :slight_smile:

You are most welcome Geoff. Consider using more constraints in your sketches, like horiz/vert to make Shapr3D do some of the work for you.