Variable names autocomplete and case insensitive

Please follow the format below for requesting a feature.

The problem that this feature will solve:
You either need to write the complete name of the variable or select it in a list which can be a lot of clicking and writing. Also, variable names are case sensitive, I fail to see the need for that.

Consider adding screenshots and as many details as possible, to help the Shapr3D team and the community understand why you need this feature. Describing your workflow helps us building the right feature.

Brief description of the outcomes that you expect from this feature:
You can write variable names quickly with just a few characters without having to click y+ and selecting in a list. Saves time and the effort of moving between mouse and keyboard. Case sensitive variable names are hindering and slows down typing.

Eg. “this feature should allow me to edit and create constrained assemblies with 100 000+ parts” or “using this feature I should be able to create G2 continuous lofts and manipulate the shape real time” or “with this feature I want to be able to quickly find a part in my designs by searching for its name”.
Understanding the outcomes that you expect from this feature helps us more than describing an actual implementation of the feature that you’d expect.

What can’t you achieve without this feature?
Faster and more fluent work.

Is this a workflow blocker for you? Is this why you can’t use Shapr3D for work? Is this slowing you down?

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