Very Frustrated With Sketching

I haven’t been using Shapr very long, but I am constantly running into issues when sketching whereby I want to move a line or a circle etc and it won’t let me do it.

I know about the whole constraint thing, but I have “auto-constraint” set to off, and when I glance over to the right side panel, all the options are greyed out; there’s nothing for me to ‘deselect’ in order to be free to move the sketch element I want to move.

I also click on the line points (nodes, whatever they’re called) to see if that will unlock them–sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t.

I’m sick of seeing that message the top of the screen telling me the line or shape can’t be moved. I understand that the app is trying to preserve proper geometry etc, but I ought to be able to override that at my discretion.

What ends up happening is that, instead of modifying a sketch, I extrude a body and then seem to have no problem moving that shape to where I want as opposed to being stymied at the sketching stage. What am I doing wrong?

I jump out of sketch mode and select the line or circle and use the move tool. Clunky but I don’t have to think it.

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I also find myself quite frustrated with sketching. Sometimes I want to draw a sketch based on some geometry in the model and then want to modify that sketch before using it to create a body, but find that no amount of poking around at constraints will allow me to modify the sketch. The worst part is that the software won’t tell you what constraint you are trying to violate, so it’s complete trial and error to figure out what to do and whether the problem is even solvable.