Wire Mesh Screen

Hi all,

Can anyone help with a solution for creating a woven wire mesh (like a chicken fence) that will fit this part. The wire screen need to bend and follow the curvature of the pictured part.

Is this doable for a schmuck like myself?

Thx for all the help

Yes, I think you can come up with a satisfactory result. First you’ll need to create your wire fence pattern (you can sketch up the “x-shaped” crisscrossing lines on a flat plane) then you can create a body from that sketch that’s quite a lot thicker than the final product will be.

Now you will make a sketch of the profile of your existing model (the metal part in your images), both the body and everything around the body, leaving only the width you desire for your wire between the body and everything around the body (the gap).

Juxtapose this new sketch against your thick wireframe and extrude the sketches across it, which will delete everything but that empty area in the middle of your desired thickness. Now your wireframe will match the desired curvature.

To make the wire frame look round, you will then select your frence/wire and use the facet tool to bevel it until you get a satisfactorily round product.

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Brett, thx for the help.
I will try this out.

Unfortunately cutting it doesn’t work.

Is there a way to ‘bend’ the wire mesh to the profile I need?

Thx all :slight_smile:

This may or may not apply. Here’s a way to make a grid that can be considered a mesh screen. It’s a good approximation although the holes are vertical and do not rotate at the curved part of the mesh. Note: I used the Pattern tool twice- first to make the row of holes then to extend the rows to 20. The last extrude with the curved body was done ending with Intersect.

Perhaps a variation of this method can be used to suit your needs.


Thx Mike for the great demo! :slight_smile:

Is there a way to do this and have the weave effect on the mesh you think?

I managed to bend it in Blender :slight_smile: