How can I make 2D drawing from a 3d model ?
I am hoping S3D have ability to make manual like this. Since it’s CAD software, right?
Something more like Solidwork Composer.
Very soon (in a matter of weeks) we will have drawings.
What about the update sir?
Very soon
I need the update sir
3 days to go!
Ok, but I want it as fast as possible
We are on it!
Pure comedy
Eating popcorn and follows the Conversation with excitement…
I am genuinely happy that you guys are this excited for this release, seriously. I can tell you that we are too!
i tested the beta version, i have to say it will be good:sunglasses:
And it’s just the beginning!
Скоро?) мы все с волнением ждем!
Можно узнать ориентировочные сроки работы всех функций в 2D? Без разрезов плохо)
Not sure if Ive missed something but here are a couple of observations and one apparent issue with point to point dimensions in 2D drawings.
Best regards
Hold down the Shift button to add to the selection.
Thank you for that - I thought Id tried everything .
Can you tell me if it’s possible/will be possible to measure from a point or line to an arbitrary point on a curved face in a 2D drawing please? Or between two such curved faces such as in the image I sent before?
Can I also say that the app is truly great, and I very much appreciate that you’re constantly working on the most important improvements as time goes by. The drawings are a great addition, particularly the automation of layout etc. I think I’m becoming a fan!
I’m not a CAD technician, but a designer and manufacturer, so apologies where my terminology goes astray. However, I do learn software intuitively and always look out for products that allow me to draw and create without having to think about the interface because I believe thats how the best new ideas and creations come about. I think your work shows you do too. This is why my queries tend to focus on the interface between hand and what is seen by the eye. A musician who always watches his fingers are won’t produce very nice music!
Meanwhile I’m eagerly looking forward to various things on and off the planned development path. These include the extra decimal places needed for mechanical accuracy; non-uniform scaling ;some freehand measurement options in 2D. Maybe linkages; mouse mapping and keyboard shortcut mapping? Im sure you have more in store, and hope you will keep fleshing out the quality and breadth of the features available.
Many thanks for all the hard work you and your team are putting in - I realised at the start that you are up against some stiff competition with deep background, and therefore it was with a matured Shapr3D in my mind’s eye, that I originally decided to subscribe and will continue to do so.
Best regards
Hi @milouchien, thanks for the feedback, I really appreciate it
I am not sure if I understand this one. What do you mean by arbitrary?
How would you define the distance between two curved faces?
By this you mean you want to override the default mouse and keyboard behaviour?